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Anarh 2012, Anarhist bookfair and festival

4 May 2012


Days of autonomous politics and culture


25 - 26 May 2012, Pekarna, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA


An open call for participation to anarchist groups/organizations and individuals, anarchist publishers and distributions

Federation for anarchist organizing (FAO), an anarchist federation in Slovenia, is organizing Anarh, anarchist book-fair and festival for the second year in the row. Following the idea of decentralization this year’s event will take place in Maribor, the second largest city in Slovenia, at Pekarna magdalenske mreže (Ob železnici 8), during 25 and 26 of May 2012

The main concept of our event is a book-fair with anarchist literature/materials and other autonomous production, cultural events, public kitchen, different workshops and public discussions with guests from Slovenia and abroad about open issues of capitalism and anarchist alternatives to it.

We would like to invite you to support this event with your materials and participation!

The stalls are free of charge; we are also arranging free accommodations for visitors from abrad. We would like to host individuals/groups with anarchist distributions (especially literature), but if somebody has interests in other areas let us know. We are also interested in your participation at the discussions and workshops. Any other ideas are welcome!

All information you need is or will soon be available on our website. Please contact us if you are interested in participation or if you have any other questions or proposals.